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Don's Story 

 Please read Don's Legacy.  If it calls to you and you have any interest in furthering Don's desire to offer affordable kneelers to those with need, please reach out to me.  I am always looking for others that may wish to continue Don's work.  God Bless you.

Don's story is now Don's legacy as his work continues.  Please say a special prayer for the family and friends of Don Gaus as he passed gracefully just recently.  His love and work has blessed all who he contacted over the years.  He will be missed and his void difficult to fill.   I have tried to follow Don's path, and to share his inspirational story and

his message for all.  God bless Don and his family......

"It all started in 1988 with a pilgrimage to Medjugorje, a small village in former Yugoslavia where 6 children have visions of the Blessed Mother. It was then that I had a conversion of my heart and was drawn closer to God and our Blessed Mother, Mary. Since then, prayer has become the center of my life.

After returning home from Medjugorje, my wife, Carolyn, and I decided to have a special area for prayer in our home. We wanted it to include an altar and two kneelers (Prie-Dieu). We soon discovered that they are expensive to buy through church supply companies.

Since then, in the back of my mind I was searching for a way to make them easily available to everyone at an affordable price. Recently, the company I worked for made an early retirement offer that has afforded me the opportunity to start a new venture ... making personal kneelers! Believe me, it's a beautiful experience to be doing God's work and know that because of my kneelers there are more people bending their knees in prayer to our Lord!

Thank you, and may God Bless You!"
Don Gaus

"You must have your family altar, because it is through your altar that salvation comes to you and your children."
-.. Father Jozo  11/10/90

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